27/11/2024, WednesdayEzra 10


Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch10


In verses 1-5, God instructed the Israelites to separate themselves from the pagans and not to marry foreigners when they were in the Promised Land, but they disobeyed Him. So, Ezra led them to repent of their sins in an exemplary and dramatic way. He wept and threw himself on the ground many times as this was the practice back then.

The people were convicted and joined in to repent their sins. Shecaniah sensed that Ezra was discouraged and said there was hope for them if they were to make restitution for their sins. He suggested they send their foreign wives away. But he told Ezra that it was his responsibility to do it as he was instructed by Artaxerxes to teach and enforce the law. Most people would hesitate to make such a suggestion even if they have the authority to do so. So, Shecaniah encouraged Ezra as he said we are with you, be strong and do it. If Ezra needs to be encouraged, so do we.

The Lord’s Supper reminds us of the price Jesus had to pay for our sins. Sin hinders our worship of the holy God. Paul calls us to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice for God as it is our acceptable form of worship of Him. We can only do so when we have repented of any sin in our lives. Thus, in verses 6-11, Ezra fasted and prayed before he called everyone to assemble in Jerusalem. If they did not turn up by the third day, he would confiscate their properties (wives were also considered properties in those days).

No leaders or pastors would dare to do this too as it seems cruel to send their foreign wives who refused to worship God, unlike Ruth who chose to worship the God of Israel.

They assembled at Jerusalem within three days and sat in the rain in fear. Ezra made the charges and the restitution clear to them. In verses 12-44, the leaders requested to delegate this duty to them because of the rain. So, in the next three and half months, they questioned those who had taken foreign wives and ensured they put away their wives and children. We must consider not be legalistic but considerate in the execution of any plans or decisions that we want to make.

The chapter then ends with the people declaring their obedience to God’s law to separate themselves from the foreign wives and children. Though it was not mentioned, we can imagine the pain of those who had to send their foreign wives and children away.

God is a holy God. Sin hinders our worship of Him. Yet, many people do not even want to talk about sin because we do not know how serious sin is to God. Sin is so serious that God had to send Jesus to die for our sins so we may worship Him. Repentance is painful but restitution is even more painful! However, the price Jesus paid for our sins is even more painful. Thus, we must not let sin hinder our worship of God by living holy lives for Him.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that I will not sin against You so that my worship of You will not be hindered by my sins. Forgive me of all my sins so that I can worship You truly as a way of life instead of only on Sundays. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen .